تأسست شركة الخليج للتأمين في عام 1962. وهي شركة مساهمة عامة مدرجة في بورصة الكويت ورائدة في السوق الكويتية من حيث الأقساط المكتتبة. تعد المجموعة من بين أكبر مجموعات التأمين وأكثرها تنوعا في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا. مجموعة الخليج للتأمين هي واحدة من شركات التأمين الخاصة الرائدة (حسب إجمالي الأقساط المكتتبة) مع وضع تنافسي قوي في السوق في الكويت والأردن والبحرين ومصر. علاوة على ذلك ، لدى المجموعة عمليات في الإمارات العربية المتحدة والمملكة العربية السعودية وتركيا والجزائر وعمان وقطر والعراق ولبنان. تتنوع إيرادات المجموعة وأرباحها جغرافيا بشكل جيد.
حول الخليج للتأمين
نحن هنا لصنع التأمين أكثر إنسانية.
تقع في
بورصة كويت
سنوات الخبرة
نحن بصدد تشكيل نظام تأمين بيئي قيِّم لمنطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا
الرسالة التي نقدمها العالم.
العميل هو أغلى ما لدينا.
علاقات طويلة الأمد
لدينا منظور طويل الأمد حول لتحقيق قيمة عالية لعملائنا.
نحن على استعداد تام للاستثمار في خدمات القيمة المضافةوبتكلفة مستدامة ، من أجل تعزيز ولاء العملاء وزيادة حصتنا السوقية.
نستثمر في تقديم تجارب ُمستحقة لعملائنا، وكسب ولاء موظفينا، وخلق قيمة مضافة لأصحاب المصالح، والالتزام بخدمة مجتمعاتنا.
Pursuing value, from Kuwait to the Middle East and North
Africa region, we take pride in our historic milestones over
the years by imprinting GIG in the hearts and minds of people
as a leader and pioneer of insurance services with innovative products and
channels in the region.
2022 is
a year of celebration for our family as we are marking GIG’s
60th anniversary, recognizing all the hardships that we faced throughout these
be known as a Regional Insurance Powerhouse.
Despite the very challenging last two years with the
worldwide pandemic environment, we have been strongly
able to adapt and adopt a resilient business strategy with
latest technologies required for emergent events to protect
employees, customers. Transparency and quality relations
are what have kept us to continue our success story and
deliver our promises throughout these years.
During 2022, we are targeting to introduce new regional
innovative products and evolved our brand to smartly
position GIG proudly for the years ahead.
Our regional
expansion strategy has been accelerated in the past year by
entering into two new markets of Oman and Qatar with the
acquisition of AXA’s insurance operations in the Gulf region,
which is considered as one of the largest acquisition in the
Following a successful digitalization experience, the
transformation journey has been significantly progressed in
all core areas despite pandemic challenges. The key focus of
our digital strategy is to transform the Group into customer
centric and data driven digital organization with a view to
achieve sustainable competitive advantage and profitability.
As importantly, our approach to Corporate Social
Responsibility is also significant and we are always
committed to coordinating and supporting initiatives that
benefits society and functions as a dynamic member of the
community in the markets we operate in.
We are grateful for our clients, employees and other
stakeholders for making our journey successful and are
hopeful for a brighter future. Our quality relationships have
always been our greatest asset and it is due to them that we
have been able to grow.
Faisal Hamad Al Ayyar
Vice Chairman (Executive)
Faisal Hamad Al Ayyar
Vice Chairman (Executive)
Pursuing value, from Kuwait to the Middle East and North
Africa region, we take pride in our historic milestones over
the years by imprinting GIG in the hearts and minds of people
as a leader and pioneer of insurance services with innovative products and
channels in the region.
2022 is
a year of celebration for our family as we are marking GIG’s
60th anniversary, recognizing all the hardships that we faced throughout these
be known as a Regional Insurance Powerhouse.
Despite the very challenging last two years with the
worldwide pandemic environment, we have been strongly
able to adapt and adopt a resilient business strategy with
latest technologies required for emergent events to protect
employees, customers. Transparency and quality relations
are what have kept us to continue our success story and
deliver our promises throughout these years.
During 2022, we are targeting to introduce new regional
innovative products and evolved our brand to smartly
position GIG proudly for the years ahead.
Our regional
expansion strategy has been accelerated in the past year by
entering into two new markets of Oman and Qatar with the
acquisition of AXA’s insurance operations in the Gulf region,
which is considered as one of the largest acquisition in the
Following a successful digitalization experience, the
transformation journey has been significantly progressed in
all core areas despite pandemic challenges. The key focus of
our digital strategy is to transform the Group into customer
centric and data driven digital organization with a view to
achieve sustainable competitive advantage and profitability.
As importantly, our approach to Corporate Social
Responsibility is also significant and we are always
committed to coordinating and supporting initiatives that
benefits society and functions as a dynamic member of the
community in the markets we operate in.
We are grateful for our clients, employees and other
stakeholders for making our journey successful and are
hopeful for a brighter future. Our quality relationships have
always been our greatest asset and it is due to them that we
have been able to grow.
Khaled Saoud Al Hasan
Board member and Group CEO
Khaled Saoud Al Hasan(KIPCO)
Board member and Group CEO
Pursuing value, from Kuwait to the Middle East and North
Africa region, we take pride in our historic milestones over
the years by imprinting GIG in the hearts and minds of people
as a leader and pioneer of insurance services with innovative products and
channels in the region.
2022 is
a year of celebration for our family as we are marking GIG’s
60th anniversary, recognizing all the hardships that we faced throughout these
be known as a Regional Insurance Powerhouse.
Despite the very challenging last two years with the
worldwide pandemic environment, we have been strongly
able to adapt and adopt a resilient business strategy with
latest technologies required for emergent events to protect
employees, customers. Transparency and quality relations
are what have kept us to continue our success story and
deliver our promises throughout these years.
During 2022, we are targeting to introduce new regional
innovative products and evolved our brand to smartly
position GIG proudly for the years ahead.
Our regional
expansion strategy has been accelerated in the past year by
entering into two new markets of Oman and Qatar with the
acquisition of AXA’s insurance operations in the Gulf region,
which is considered as one of the largest acquisition in the
Following a successful digitalization experience, the
transformation journey has been significantly progressed in
all core areas despite pandemic challenges. The key focus of
our digital strategy is to transform the Group into customer
centric and data driven digital organization with a view to
achieve sustainable competitive advantage and profitability.
As importantly, our approach to Corporate Social
Responsibility is also significant and we are always
committed to coordinating and supporting initiatives that
benefits society and functions as a dynamic member of the
community in the markets we operate in.
We are grateful for our clients, employees and other
stakeholders for making our journey successful and are
hopeful for a brighter future. Our quality relationships have
always been our greatest asset and it is due to them that we
have been able to grow.
Shaikha Dana Nasser Sabah
Al-Ahmed A Sabah(Amaken)
Group Chairman
Shaikha Dana Nasser Sabah
Al-Ahmed A Sabah(Amaken)
Group Chairman
Pursuing value, from Kuwait to the Middle East and North
Africa region, we take pride in our historic milestones over
the years by imprinting GIG in the hearts and minds of people
as a leader and pioneer of insurance services with innovative products and
channels in the region.
2022 is
a year of celebration for our family as we are marking GIG’s
60th anniversary, recognizing all the hardships that we faced throughout these
be known as a Regional Insurance Powerhouse.
Despite the very challenging last two years with the
worldwide pandemic environment, we have been strongly
able to adapt and adopt a resilient business strategy with
latest technologies required for emergent events to protect
employees, customers. Transparency and quality relations
are what have kept us to continue our success story and
deliver our promises throughout these years.
During 2022, we are targeting to introduce new regional
innovative products and evolved our brand to smartly
position GIG proudly for the years ahead.
Our regional
expansion strategy has been accelerated in the past year by
entering into two new markets of Oman and Qatar with the
acquisition of AXA’s insurance operations in the Gulf region,
which is considered as one of the largest acquisition in the
Following a successful digitalization experience, the
transformation journey has been significantly progressed in
all core areas despite pandemic challenges. The key focus of
our digital strategy is to transform the Group into customer
centric and data driven digital organization with a view to
achieve sustainable competitive advantage and profitability.
As importantly, our approach to Corporate Social
Responsibility is also significant and we are always
committed to coordinating and supporting initiatives that
benefits society and functions as a dynamic member of the
community in the markets we operate in.
We are grateful for our clients, employees and other
stakeholders for making our journey successful and are
hopeful for a brighter future. Our quality relationships have
always been our greatest asset and it is due to them that we
have been able to grow.
الاستحوذ على حصة الأغلبية في "الشركة الخليجية للتأمين التكافلي" من خلال شركتها التابعة الخليج للتأمين وإعادة التأمين
الاستحواذ على حصة الاغلبية في شركة ضمانات الخليج , السعودية
عقد اتفاقية للاستحواذ على شركات أكسا في دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي
أكملت بنجاح عملية الاستحواذ على عمليات أكسا الخليج في منطقة الخليج - أكسا الخليج
أكملت بنجاح عملية الاستحواذ على عمليات أكسا الخليج في منطقة الخليج - أكسا الخليج
60 مليون دينار كويتي سندات ثانوية غير قابلة للاسترداد لمدة 5 سنوات من المستوى 2 تمثل الإصدار الأول من قبل شركة التأمين والسندات الكويتية الأولى بالدينار الكويتي.
الاحتفال بالذكرى السنوية ال 60 لمجموعة الخليج للتأمين التي تعكس تميزها التشغيلي.
كشف عن علامة تجارية متطورة، كتحول كبير مع ترقية الهوية .